Turf Management Recertification Program | Virginia DACS Approval #21-24-070
Instructors: Gene Merkl, Sarah Racine
Pesticides are hazardous substances that can cause serious harm if used improperly. Pesticides are regulated to utilize their benefits while protecting public health and welfare and preventing harm to the environment. Federal and state pesticide laws and regulations control the labeling, sale and distribution, storage, transportation, use, and disposal in the best public interest. This course addresses the requirements set forth by federal regulations. Pesticide applicators are responsible for learning about and complying with all regulations.
After completing this chapter participants will be able to:
- Be able to describe and integrate important regulatory requirements related to labeling, hazard management, environmental issues, and application procedures.
- Distinguish between restricted-use and general-use pesticide classifications.
- Explain the importance of maintaining accurate records of pesticide application and employee training.
The pesticide label is the main method of communication between a pesticide manufacturer and pesticide users. The information printed on and attached to the pesticide container is the label. By law, pesticide users are required to comply with all instructions and use directions found on the pesticide product label. Labeling includes the label itself plus all other
information about the product referenced on the label and given when you buy the product. Pesticide labeling includes instructions on how to use the product safely and correctly.
After completing this chapter participants will be able to:
- Interpret the meaning of label signal words, symbols, and their relative hazard levels.
- Accurately identify the common, chemical, and brand or trade name of a pesticide.
- Describe how to interpret other documents and online resources referenced on the label.
Chapter Description
Students will be re-directed to the VDACS website to view the Legal Updates presentation in its entirety.
Chapter Description
Integrated Pest Management of turfgrasses involves multiple steps; producing a healthy plant, correctly identifying the problem, recognizing that there will always be some pests and damage, and only using pesticides as a last resort. This course teaches the basics of pest and disease management for turfgrass, and the different tools and techniques needed to successfully provide your clients with a healthy and attractive turf stand.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- Understand the settings and ecosystems of a turf stand
- Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling pests and disease in managed turfgrass
- Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of turfgrass
Chapter Description
Managing weeds in a turf stand can be a tricky proposition. Often times the client fails to recognize that the presence of weeds in a turf stand is the result of poor turf, not the cause. Correct identification of the problem weed is a must of developing a management strategy, as is a working knowledge of weed biology and how herbicides work. This course will provide applicators with a good foundation from which to build their knowledge.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- Explain the major similarities and differences between weeds and turf
- Identify common turfgrass weeds
- Explain how herbicides work
Chapter Description
There are a variety of diseases, disorders, insects, and vertebrate pests that can cause problems in turfgrass. Being able to correctly identify these common turfgrass maladies is of utmost importance to turfgrass managers. This course will look at the common diseases and disorders found in turf, and cover the situations and environmental conditions favorable to those diseases. The course also covers common insect and vertebrate pests and how to manage them.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- Identify a disease, describe favorable disease conditions, and recommend treatment strategies for each disease
- Identify common insect turf pests and recommend treatment strategies
- Recognize the preferred habitat for common vertebrate pests and be able to recommend the appropriate deterrent or management strategy
Chapter Description
When pesticide applications become necessary for good turf management, it's important to understand how application equipment works and how to properly calibrate the equipment. Accurate measurement of the area to be treated and properly calibrated equipment are critical to applying pesticides within an acceptable range of the label requirements. This course will discuss the most common types of equipment used for pesticide applications on turf, the way to calculate the area of an irregularly shaped space, and how to properly calculate the flow rate of the equipment.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- Describe the different types of equipment used in pesticide applications
- Accurately calculate the square footage of irregular areas
- Accurately calibrate common application equipment
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