General Structural Pest Management Recertification Program | Virginia DACS Approval #21-07-065

Instructors: Gene Merkl, Joshua Francis

Chapter Description

Pesticides are hazardous substances that can cause serious harm if used improperly. Pesticides are regulated to utilize their benefits while protecting public health and welfare and preventing harm to the environment. Federal and state pesticide laws and regulations control the labeling, sale and distribution, storage, transportation, use, and disposal in the best public interest. This course addresses the requirements set forth by federal regulations. Pesticide applicators are responsible for learning about and complying with all regulations.

After completing this chapter participants will be able to:

  • Be able to describe and integrate important regulatory requirements related to labeling, hazard management, environmental issues, and application procedures.
  • Distinguish between restricted-use and general-use pesticide classifications.
  • Explain the importance of maintaining accurate records of pesticide application and employee training. 

Chapter Description

The pesticide label is the main method of communication between a pesticide manufacturer and pesticide users. The information printed on and attached to the pesticide container is the label. By law, pesticide users are required to comply with all instructions and use directions found on the pesticide product label. Labeling includes the label itself plus all other
information about the product referenced on the label and given when you buy the product. Pesticide labeling includes instructions on how to use the product safely and correctly.

After completing this chapter participants will be able to:

  • Interpret the meaning of label signal words, symbols, and their relative hazard levels.
  • Accurately identify the common, chemical, and brand or trade name of a pesticide.
  • Describe how to interpret other documents and online resources referenced on the label. 

Chapter Description

Students will be re-directed to the VDACS website to view the Legal Updates presentation in its entirety.

Chapter Description

As certified or licensed professionals we have legal responsibilities that we must fulfill in every job that we do. Not only do have to control pests, but we also have to do the paperwork and legwork that documents our applications. These are very important steps in the process of pest control, and following through is a must for any successful business.

As certified or licensed applicators it is so important that you can trust everyone on your team to be knowledgeable about their duties, and responsible for protecting your customers, the environment, and your business. A solid basic training program for all technicians will help you work safer and more efficiently.

After completing this chapter participants will be able to:

  • Identify and calibrate different types of application equipment
  • Identify different common structural pests
  • Describe how to implement integrated pest management in structural situations
  • Outline the special considerations needed for specialized facilities
  • Outline the key pests and pest hot spots for specialized facilities

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