Pesticide Emergency Management and Environmental Protection | Texas SPCS Approval #948872

Instructor: Sarah Racine

This one-credit course is approved by the Texas Structural Pest Control Service to teach pest managers how to safely and legally apply pesticides. Proper pesticide use safeguards people and the environment from the threat of toxic exposure.

Pesticide use isn’t always necessary to control pests. This course explores safe alternatives. When pesticides are needed, you can never be too careful. A comprehensive management plan creates a safe framework for pesticide use, including public notification and warning signs.

Careful chemical and equipment selection, pesticide application, material cleanup, toxin disposal and recordkeeping ensure you stay on top of hazards at every step of the process. Even your choice of service containers matters for the safe storage, mixing and transportation of pesticides.

Include emergency response procedures in your management plan. A spill, leak or misapplication may threaten people and the environment. This course prepares you to handle simple first aid for skin, eye, respiratory and even clothing exposure.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify pesticide safety measures to protect people and the environment from pesticide exposure.
  • Explain how to handle pesticide emergencies such as leaks, spills and misapplications.
  • Recognize different types of pesticide emergencies and corresponding first aid measures.
  • Discuss effective equipment selection, safe application techniques and proper practices for cleanup and disposal.
  • Describe appropriate ways to handle and apply pesticides.