Biology of Termites and Other Wood-Destroying Pests | Texas SPCS Approval #948877

Instructor: Josh Francis

The course will provide an overview of the biology of termites, for example, growth development, colony distribution, and their roles. Additionally, there will be a discussion about the caste system found among termite colonies and how to tell one caste from another. It will also include how termite colonies form, what conditions the colonies need, and how the colonies maintain these conditions. Also, the section will cover the different types of ways termites communicate within a territory and finally conclude how to identify what types of wood-destroying pests are in a location from the signs shown in and often on damaged wood.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different stages of insect growth
  • Understand why insect growth and development is an essential consideration for pest management professionals to know
  • Identify the various types of termites and other wood-destroying insects and pests