Pesticide Emergency Management and Environmental Protection | Tennessee Approval #TDA-116621
Instructor: Sarah Racine
Safe pesticide use protects people and the environment from dangerous hazards. This one-credit course is approved by the Tennessee Agricultural Commercial Applicator to teach the essentials of safe, legal pesticide application.
When using pesticides, make sure to build a management plan. Notifications and warning signs alert the public and minimize the possibility of human exposure. Taking special care in chemical and equipment selection, application techniques, cleanup efforts and pesticide disposal reduces environmental contamination and possible accidents.
Service containers allow for the safe storage, mixing and transportation of pesticides. Where possible, use non-pesticide solutions for pest management. This course explores safer alternatives.
Leaks, spills and misapplications are sources of pesticide exposure. Effective response strategies allow pest managers to contain environmental contamination and render first aid. Learn how to provide simple treatments for exposure to skin, clothing, eyes and the respiratory system.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Identify pesticide safety measures to protect people and the environment from pesticide exposure.
- Explain how to handle pesticide emergencies such as leaks, spills and misapplications.
- Discuss effective equipment selection, safe application techniques and proper practices for cleanup and disposal.
- Describe appropriate ways to handle and apply pesticides.
- Recognize different types of pesticide emergencies and corresponding first aid measures.