Pollinator Stewardship | New York Approval #NY-25-433341
Instructors: Tyler Smith, Audrey Sheridan
Honey Bee Stewardship. The primary concern plaguing the bee keeping industry is the decline of honey bees around the world. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is the leading cause behind this steady decline in honey bee numbers. There are a number of different factors affecting this decline. This course provides an outline of the best practices concerning honeybee stewardship.
Minimizing Pesticide Risk for Pollinators. Whether applying pesticides in the home garden or in a commercial setting, many of the chemical pesticides used to control insects, fungal diseases, and even weeds can hurt non-target pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies. This section will ensure your ability to effectively and efficiently apply pesticides without harming beneficial insects.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- Identify the factors that contribute to colony collapse disorder.
- Recognize the importance of beekeeper/grower communication.
- Describe the importance of pollinators in agriculture and why protecting native pollinators is of great concern.
- Outline the federal and state enforcement and compliance procedure as related to pollinator safety and alternatives to hard chemicals.