Pesticide Emergency Management and Environmental Protection | Montana Approval #000C5R

Instructor: Sarah Racine

Make the world a safer place with this course on pesticide emergency management and environmental protection. This one-credit course teaches core principles of hazard mitigation and safe pesticide handling.

Where possible, avoid toxic pesticides in favor of less-dangerous techniques. When it is time to use pesticides, you can do so safely and legally with careful preparation. Thoughtful chemical selection, equipment use, application techniques, cleanup, disposal, recordkeeping and liability management are all required.

Proper storage, transportation, and mixing of pesticides require suitable service containers. Warn the public with adequate notification and posted signs. Keep on top of your work site with a full management plan.

When leaks, spills or misapplications arise, this course prepares you to respond quickly and appropriately. First aid techniques in this course cover the basics for exposure to skin, clothing, eyes and the respiratory system.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

– Identify pesticide safety measures to protect people and the environment from pesticide exposure.
– Discuss effective equipment selection, safe application techniques and proper practices for cleanup and disposal.
– Explain how to handle pesticide emergencies such as leaks, spills and misapplications.
– Recognize different types of pesticide emergencies and corresponding first aid measures.
– Describe appropriate ways to handle and apply pesticides.