Turfgrass Pest Control Recertification | Mississippi Approved

       Turfgrass: Keys to Identification and Management

Turfgrass: Keys to Identification and Management. Disease and pest management of turfgrasses involves multiple steps; identification of the disease or pest, various fungicides and pesticides available, application best practices, and prevention strategies. This course teaches the basics of pest and disease management for various turfgrasses, and the different tools and techniques needed to successfully control the environment.

Preemergence Herbicides in Managed Turfgrass. Preemergence herbicides are a common and useful tool that, when used appropriately, prevent weeds from establishing. This module discusses the basics of preemergence herbicide use in managed turfgrass systems.

After completing this chapter in its entirety, participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling pests and disease in managed turfgrass.
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of turfgrass.

Identification and Control of Noxious Weeds

Managing noxious weeds can be a tricky proposition. Applicators need to be aware of both the federal and state noxious weed lists and how that affects management tactics. This course covers several weeds on the federal noxious weeds list as well as other noxious weeds found throughout the southeastern United States.

After completing this chapter, participants will be able to:

  • Identify common noxious weeds the southeastern United States
  • Recommend the proper treatment strategies for each noxious weed identified

IPM for Turf Management

Integrated Pest Management of turfgrasses involves multiple steps; producing a healthy plant, correctly identifying the problem, recognizing that there will always be some pests and damage, and only using pesticides as a last resort. This course teaches the basics of pest and disease management for turfgrass, and the different tools and techniques needed to successfully provide your clients with a healthy and attractive turf stand.

After completing this chapter, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the settings and ecosystems of a turf stand
  • Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling pests and disease in managed turfgrass
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of turfgrass