Public Health Pest Control Recertification - Mosquito Control | Mississippi Approved

       Mosquito Identification:  Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, and Psorophora

Correct identification of each mosquito species is an important step to managing the mosquito population in your area. Each species of mosquito has its own preferred habitat and breeding environment. This course covers the preferred habitat, breeding ground, and physiological differences between five major species of mosquitoes found throughout the United States.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the differences between the five major mosquito species in the United States.
  • Identify each of the mosquitoes covered in this course.

       Intro to Mosquito Control

Mankind has been battling mosquitoes since before the first settlers landed on the continent. Mosquitoes are vectors for a multitude of diseases that are harmful to humans, livestock, and pets. To effectively manage a mosquito population as part of an integrated pest management plan applicators must be familiar with mosquito physiology, the lifecycle of the mosquito, and various collection and surveillance methods for both adult mosquitoes and larvae. It is also important to have a good understanding of the diseases that are commonly vectored by mosquitoes. The course will talk about surveillance methods, mosquito anatomy, and touch on the diseases that are most commonly vectored by mosquitoes in the United States.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different stages in the mosquito lifecycle.
  • Explain the differences between male and female mosquitoes.
  • Suggest different surveillance and collection tactics to efficiently trap mosquitoes in the target area.
  • List and describe several commonly mosquito vectored diseases.


This course is intended as a study guide for preparing to take the Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Exam administered by your state, tribe, territory, or federal department/agency. Passing the core exam is essential to becoming a certified applicator. This certification course benefits both you and the general public. By learning how to handle pesticides correctly, you will be able to protect yourself, others, and the environment from pesticide misuse.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize and implement a broad range of pesticide application best practices.
  • Be able to describe and integrate important regulatory requirements related to labeling, hazard management, environmental issues, and application procedures.
  • Outline the different types formulations, equipment, and PPE used in the pesticide industry.

Pesticide Applicator Certification

  • Pest Management
  • Federal Pesticide Laws
  • Pesticide Labeling
  • Pesticide Formulations
  • Pesticide Hazards and First Aid
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Pesticides in the Environment
  • Transportation, Storage, and Security
  • Emergency Response
  • Planning the Pesticide Application
  • Pesticide Application Procedures
  • Professional Conduct
  • Final Exam