Common Landscape Pests of the West Coast | Idaho Approval #2400558
Instructor: Sarah Racine
When dealing with pest control and management, a key aspect is correctly distinguishing which kind of pest is the problem. Proper identification of the pest will help determine if it is the sole cause of damage, allowing the appropriate management methods to be applied correctly. Furthermore, it is also essential to identify the plants to protect them from pest damage and select a pesticide that won’t harm the landscape.
This continuing education course, which is approved by the Office of Indiana State Chemist, reviews how to identify and treat pests in landscape, turf, and interiorscape settings. Students will discuss common landscape pests, including weeds, invertebrates, vertebrates, and disease agents.
After completing this course, participants will:
- Determine the development stage at which to apply pest treatment.
- Outline identifying characteristics and symptoms of pests.
- Evaluate the steps to send pest samples to a lab for identification.