Transportation, Storage, Security and Professional Conduct | Georgia Approval #R21-02040
Instructor: Gene Merkl
This course discusses safety and security issues that may arise when pesticides are moved or stored. Serious accidents involving pesticides are more likely to occur while they are in transit. Securing pesticides in a vehicle or in storage is a critical step to prevent vandalism or theft of product. You can reduce pesticide transport and storage problems by being aware of the conditions that lead to increased security risks.
It is important for certified applicators to know under what conditions uncertified people can make applications of restricted use products. You also need to understand the importance of communication and how to communicate with customers about what you are doing.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- State what precautions to take before transporting pesticides.
- Summarize what the label says about legally disposing of unwanted pesticides.
- List the steps to take to restrict access to pesticides.
- Explain the basics of professionalism for pesticide applicators.