Right-of-Way: Pest Management Overview | Florida Approval #39469

Instructor: Sarah Racine

Pest management in right-of-way situations can be a challenge. The economic thresholds are different in right-of-way situations compared to either a landscape setting or an agricultural setting. The treatment areas can be more readily viewed by the public or may be too rough to reach using traditional equipment. While broadleaf and woody plant material is usually the major pests in right-of-way situations there can be insect and vertebrate pests that need management. This course provides an overview of pests common to rights-of-way, management solutions, a look at the equipment commonly used to treat rights-of-way, and a review of calibration steps for that equipment.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Outline the principles of an IPM program in right-of-way situations
  • Identify weeds and other pests commonly found in rights-of-way
  • Identify and calibrate equipment commonly used in right-of-way applications
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional conduct and how to interact with the public