California Rules and Regs 8 Credit Bundle
This package expires on December 31 at 11:59 PM Eastern, 10:59 PM Central, 9:59 PM Mountain, 8:59 PM Pacific. You must complete the courses and download your certificate(s) before the expiration date to receive credit. After 12/31, you will no longer have access to this package, so please complete the course(s) and download your certificate(s) by then.
This course bundle is designed for all Applicators, Field Representative or Operator in California who need 8 credits of Rules and Regs. All courses are approved by the SPCB. Please click on course details for a detailed list of courses.
Rules and Regulations training
- Reading the Pesticide Label: Beyond the Basics – 2 hours
- Respiratory and Environmental Protection with Emergency Management – 2 hours
- Pesticide Labeling – 1 hour
- Pesticide Laws & Regulations – 3 hours