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Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education

Courses must be completed by 11:59pm EST 12/31, annually

Each course includes an official certificate of completion that you can save for your records. Looking for state reporting information? Learn more here.

Renewal Deadline:

Applicator renewal deadlines differ by category. See details below.

CE Requirements:

Certified commercial applicators must complete 12 credits per category. Classes approved for more than one category will be applied to each.
Private applicators must complete 6 credits.

State-approved Online Pesticide Courses

» View Montana Pesticide Applicator Renewal Deadlines


Aerial (21)
Agricultural Plant Pest (30)
Agricultural Animal Pest (32)
Public Health Pest (38)
Mosquito Abatement (50)
Other - Sewer Treatment (56a)

Region 3


Agricultural Vertebrate Pest (32)
Right-of-Way Pest (37)
M-44 Sodium Cyanide (43)
Regulatory Rodent (54)
Regulatory Weed (55)

Region 4


Dealer (10)
Forest Pest (33)
Ornamental & Turf (34)
Aquatic Pest (36)
Wood Treatment (41)
Special Utility (44)
Piscicide (46)

Region 5


Seed Treatment (35)
Demonstration & Research (39)
Industrial, Structural, & Institutional (40)
School IPM (45)

Region 1


Region 2


Bed Bugs: Overview and Management | Montana Approval #000BM1

2 credits: 10, 39, 40, 45
Structural applicators know that managing a bed bug infestation is difficult on many levels. This course looks at the history of bed bugs, current integrated pest management approaches to preventing and managing an infestation, and several of the chemical options available when your non-chemical controls and methods have failed.

» Course Details

Mosquito Mosquito

Common Pests of Residential, Industrial & Institutional Structures | Montana Approval #000C5N

3 credits: 10, 32, 39, 40, 54, 60
Montana pest managers who complete this course will learn how to identify and manage common exterior and interior pests that can cause property damage, infest stored food, or infect people.

» Course Details

Structural Structural

Cultural Practices for Turf Management | Montana Approval #000BM5

1 credit: 10, 34, 39, 45
Turf responds best to consistent cultural practices including mowing, irrigating, and fertilizing. But as turf managers know, there is a right way and a wrong way to do these. This course covers the dos and don'ts of good cultural practices that will result in a healthy vigorous turf that will be enjoyed for years.

» Course Details

Turf Turf

Effective Pesticide Applications in Interiorscape Settings | Montana Approval #000F41

2 credits: 10, 34, 39, 60
This course offers thorough training for Montana pest managers, focusing on interior plant pesticide management. Topics include safety protocols, Integrated Pest Management, and pesticide selection and application.

» Course Details

Interiorscape Interiorscape

Forest Pest Management | Montana Approval #000C7F

4 credits: 10, 32, 33, 39, 54, 60
Learn about integrated pest management strategies for Montana forests. Lessons explain how to minimize pesticide’s impact on water sources, protect non-target organisms, and manage pesticide resistance. Other topics covered include sprayer operation and maintenance, weed control, various application methods, and more.

» Course Details

Forest Forest

Forest Pests Pesticide Use | Montana Approval #000C7G

2 credits: 10, 33, 39, 60
This course teaches Montana pest control professionals how to manage pests found in forest environments safely. Lessons discuss pesticide-mixing safety measures, forestry herbicide types, integrated pest management strategies for protecting water sources, and more.

» Course Details

Forest Forest

IPM Practices for Landscape Pest Management | Montana Approval #000C5P

1 credits: 10, 34, 39, 45, 60
Montana’s Effective Pesticide Applications in Landscape and Turf Settings course discusses benefits and considerations for developing an integrated pest management (IPM) program. The course covers a variety of pest-management methods, such as augmentation, mechanical and cultural control, sanitation, and pesticide use.


» Course Details

Ornamental Ornamental

Pest Control Practices in Residential, Industrial & Institutional Structures | Montana Approval #000C5Q

2 credits: 10, 35, 40, 60
Uncover the secrets of safe, effective, and budget-friendly pest control methods in this course. Learn how to effectively manage pests that threaten property, people, and quality of life. By prioritizing safety for yourself, others, and the environment, you'll gain the power to control pests and halt their damaging impact.

» Course Details

Structural Structural

Pesticide Emergency Management and Environmental Protection | Montana Approval #000C5R

1 credit: 10, 21, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 55, 60
Master safe, legal handling to avoid pesticide emergencies with this course for Montana pest managers. You can protect the environment and people with careful planning and application practices. When warning signs and management plans aren’t enough, learn steps for emergency response and first aid essentials.

» Course Details

Basics & Safety Basics & Safety

Review of Forest Pest Management | Montana Approval #000C7H

2 credits: 10, 30, 33, 39, 60
Learn how to protect forests from pests while also protecting the natural environment, its inhabitants and humans from pesticide hazards with this course for Montana pest managers. Find out what personal protective equipment (PPE) your employer must provide on the job and learn important techniques for broadcast sprayers, banding calibration and pesticide application.

» Course Details

Forest Forest

Review of Pesticide Use Hazards | Montana Approval #000C5S

1 credit: 10, 21, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60
This course teaches Montana pest managers the classifications and hazards of pesticides. You will learn how to recognize the toxicity danger pesticides present to humans, pets, wildlife and the environment. Detailed categorization and designation requirements are included.

» Course Details

Basics & Safety Basics & Safety

Right-of-Way: Pest Management Overview | Montana Approved #000BMT

3 credits: 10, 37, 39, 55
Pest management in right-of-way situations can be a challenge. The economic thresholds are different in right-of-way situations compared to either a landscape setting or an agricultural setting. This course provides an overview of pests common to rights-of-way, management solutions, a look at the equipment commonly used to treat rights-of-way, and a review of calibration steps for that equipment.

» Course Details

Right Of Way Right Of Way
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